
Ever heard of the term “Double-Edged Sword”? It usually indicates that the very tool/ idea you are using to expertly cut to the heart of the problem you face can also come back and cut you as well. In our search for truth, we are not immune to our own deceitfulness. We can think we have all the answers but when we are challenged about our answers we have a choice to look into whether there is truth in what they say and let it shape us into more well-rounded individuals or we can throw up defensive barriers because what is being said sounds strange and doesn’t fit well with how you’ve allowed your life to be molded thus far.

We want open minds, but we don’t want fickle minds. The dangerous tool of knowledge can puff ourselves up, but it can also toss us to and fro like a boat in a storm without a rudder. Knowledge is truly a double-edged sword. Obviously we still need it though. Just because something is dangerous doesn’t always mean we can’t use it. We just need to know how to use it. Also, just because something is useful doesn’t mean it can’t be misused or abused. An evil man can hit his wife with his hands. This doesn’t mean all men should cut off their hands.

Unfortunately, the Bible has been misused/misquoted/misunderstood for centuries. This doesn’t mean we should throw it out.

The term “double-edged” could also be referring to a literal two-edged sword. The use of which could be translated from the Greek “Distomos Machaira” or “Two mouthed, short sword” one translator says it implies the meaning Drinker of blood. This meaning shows the tool’s extreme effectiveness when used correctly. The truth will set you free. We need the Bible to be our guide in life’s questions or we will be left with every man for himself making up their own truth. We need to treat the Bible as objective truth or we will misuse it, twisting it to what we want it to say. If it is treated as objective truth and our authority it will be an effective tool in slicing away the unnecessary things in our life and showing us the lies we have fallen for.

Spiritual Weapons training

"Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." -Hebrews 12:1

Training is like trimming or pruning. You are cutting out the unnecessary baggage to make yourself more proficient in the area you would like to excel.


Verify truth

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. 2 Tim 3:16-17

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